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Театр "на досках"




During his student’s days, Sergey Kurginyan created drama schoolNA DOSKAH (On the Boards) which professes philosophical and metaphysical approach towards the existent reality, and has since been its permanent head and director-in-chief. In 1986, along with similar drama studios – the one headed by Mark Rozovsky, The Studio at the South-West, A Person, etc. – Na Doskah participated in the experimental program The Theatre Based on Collective Contract and won the status of a State theater.


Theatricalperformances incorporate elements of researchin the field of theater techniques and acting, as well as in the field of psychology, sociology, linguistics, philosophy and methodology.The contents of the plays is always highly topical. Stage director displays non-conventional approaches to the problem being addressed. Such works as Compensation - a play devoted to the fate of the disaster fighters at the Chernobyl nuclear plant, and the Shorthand record,a play about "the fate of communism" in the history of the country, can be cited as an example. Great fame and international recognition were brought to the theater by the performance of  Pushkin's BorisGodunov (staged in 1986). IntheEuropeanpressithasbeencalled"aplayaboutthecollapseofthefirstRussianperestroika”.


       The troupe frequently went on tours in Russia, performed in Japan, Bulgaria and Yugoslavia.


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Программка спектакля "IZНЬ" театра "На досках"

Автор текста и режиссер-постановщик - С.Кургинян  






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